"Fulfilling your purpose God put IN you to fulfill, w-i-t-h Him, is much more important than you might t-h-i-n-k it is!"
Did you know that there are areas of real estate in your own community that contain something so valuable that all of the world's money, diamonds, gold, and every other precious mineral pale by comparison? What are these places? Your local cemeteries! They are the most wealthy places of all, because buried in graves are songs that were never sung, books that were never written, businesses that were never started, and encouraging words that were never spoken. All of those and countless other wonderful things that never became more than good intentions are now lying six feet under the ground.
WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Why do so many people talk about doing great things, but end up taking the visions and dreams that God placed in their hearts to the grave? The answer is simple. They never found out why God put them on earth, and so their lives were mere shadows, having no real meaning. They did not succeed in fulfilling the purpose for which God created them, because only in His purpose is the secret to a successful life to be found. DON'T MISS IT!
SO, WHAT ABOUT... the people who have written hit songs or best-selling books? Are they successful? They are IF those things were done w-i-t-h God, because what the ungodly understand as success is not truly success at all. While it may be true that they pursued their dreams and accomplished some, or even all, of their vision, whatever someone accomplishes without (on the outside of) Christ is not in the will of God, and is achieved by the arm of the human flesh. Such efforts are the "abuse" of their own being - the "ABnormal USE, or "abuse" of God's original intent for that person's being, with the gifts and talents that He placed in them for His purposes and for His good pleasure. The truth is... Without God we can do nothing!
The sooner we realize this...
...the sooner we can begin accomplishing God's purpose for creating us.
...only then can we truly be fulfilled!
...only then can we live genuinely successful lives. For our dreams and visions can only be fully understood and truly realized within the context and fulfillment of God's vision for us. In other words, it is only by fulfilling God's will that we CAN BE fulfilled.
How do we know what God's "will" is for us, that thing that He has placed in us to fulfill, with Him? Here is a hint. What do you have the most fun doing? What is that one thing that you wake up in the mornings, and go to bed at night, thinking about accomplishing? Remember this, God will never call you to do something you do not like to do. Why is that? Because He knows far better than we do that, if we do not enjoy doing what we are called to do, we simply will not "want" to do it.
Fact: the Person of The Holy Spirit can help you identify the unique thing God wired in you, that thing God has given you as a gift, for the purpose of working with Him to lead His kids into His loving, open, and waiting arms., Now, get with The Holy Spirit, ask Him to show you what God's Will is for you, and have fun "with Him" fulfilling your calling! GOD LOVES YOU, AND YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS!
We need what God has created in you for the sake of encouraging all of us, so don't take your gifts, your books, your music, your messages, your businesses, etc. to the grave with you! Press through the intimidating spirits that come to discourage you away from completing the purpose that God has placed in you. And, just as Jesus did on the cross, FINISH TRIUMPHANT!
NOW, if you haven't invited Jesus Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, right there where you are, say this prayer to God. "Father God, in the precious Name of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of all lords, I lay my life at Your Feet. I come before You, confessing that I am a sinner, and I ask for You to forgive me of all my sins - those that I know I have committed, as well as those that I am not even aware of. I ask that You come into my heart and be my Lord. I lay my life, and everything in it, at Your Feet, and ask that You please take me and begin to change me to be like YOU. I ask that You redeem the time that has passed, and allow me the opportunity to become exactly what You have predestined me to be, from before the foundation of the earth. I commit my life to You now, and thank You for receiving me as Your own. In the wonderful name of Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God, I pray, Amen." And AMEN!!!
WELCOME HOME! If you have just prayed this prayer we want to congratulate you for making the greatest decision that you can ever make! By accepting Jesus Christ, or rededicating your life to Him, as your personal Lord and Saviour, you have begun the wonderful process of being grafted into the Family of God, and we welcome you home. We would like to invite you to contact us so that we can send you information that will help you begin growing in your relationship with God. We would also encourage you to begin attending a Holy-Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church right away.
We advise you to begin reading The Holy Bible daily, whether you understand it or not. Always remember, God's written Word in The Holy Bible is like no other book that has ever been written! When we rendezvous with The Person of The Holy Spirit as we read what God has written there, it becomes stored in our heart for The Holy Spirit to access it to bring to our remembrance. You will find that the Scriptures will become applicable to whatever you are going through, at any given time!
There are wonderful Bible teachers on television and on the radio that can, especially early in your walk with God, help you to begin receiving good teaching, and encouragement, right away. Although very informative, these programs are never to be a substitute for close relationships with people who love and serve God. At times, the transformation process that you have now begun will be difficult, and you will be tempted to go back to your old ways of living your old life. It will be during times like these that hanging out with strong Christian friends and mentors will be crucially important. There really IS strength in numbers!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We would like to welcome you into the Family of God... right where you "belong", and always will! (Selah)
And, remember, no matter what, KEEP PRESSIN' IN... and learnin', and growin', w-i-t-h our Lord and Savior, and with Keith and Brenda Shealy & Toward The Mark's:
WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Why do so many people talk about doing great things, but end up taking the visions and dreams that God placed in their hearts to the grave? The answer is simple. They never found out why God put them on earth, and so their lives were mere shadows, having no real meaning. They did not succeed in fulfilling the purpose for which God created them, because only in His purpose is the secret to a successful life to be found. DON'T MISS IT!
SO, WHAT ABOUT... the people who have written hit songs or best-selling books? Are they successful? They are IF those things were done w-i-t-h God, because what the ungodly understand as success is not truly success at all. While it may be true that they pursued their dreams and accomplished some, or even all, of their vision, whatever someone accomplishes without (on the outside of) Christ is not in the will of God, and is achieved by the arm of the human flesh. Such efforts are the "abuse" of their own being - the "ABnormal USE, or "abuse" of God's original intent for that person's being, with the gifts and talents that He placed in them for His purposes and for His good pleasure. The truth is... Without God we can do nothing!
The sooner we realize this...
...the sooner we can begin accomplishing God's purpose for creating us.
...only then can we truly be fulfilled!
...only then can we live genuinely successful lives. For our dreams and visions can only be fully understood and truly realized within the context and fulfillment of God's vision for us. In other words, it is only by fulfilling God's will that we CAN BE fulfilled.
How do we know what God's "will" is for us, that thing that He has placed in us to fulfill, with Him? Here is a hint. What do you have the most fun doing? What is that one thing that you wake up in the mornings, and go to bed at night, thinking about accomplishing? Remember this, God will never call you to do something you do not like to do. Why is that? Because He knows far better than we do that, if we do not enjoy doing what we are called to do, we simply will not "want" to do it.
Fact: the Person of The Holy Spirit can help you identify the unique thing God wired in you, that thing God has given you as a gift, for the purpose of working with Him to lead His kids into His loving, open, and waiting arms., Now, get with The Holy Spirit, ask Him to show you what God's Will is for you, and have fun "with Him" fulfilling your calling! GOD LOVES YOU, AND YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS!
We need what God has created in you for the sake of encouraging all of us, so don't take your gifts, your books, your music, your messages, your businesses, etc. to the grave with you! Press through the intimidating spirits that come to discourage you away from completing the purpose that God has placed in you. And, just as Jesus did on the cross, FINISH TRIUMPHANT!
NOW, if you haven't invited Jesus Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, right there where you are, say this prayer to God. "Father God, in the precious Name of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of all lords, I lay my life at Your Feet. I come before You, confessing that I am a sinner, and I ask for You to forgive me of all my sins - those that I know I have committed, as well as those that I am not even aware of. I ask that You come into my heart and be my Lord. I lay my life, and everything in it, at Your Feet, and ask that You please take me and begin to change me to be like YOU. I ask that You redeem the time that has passed, and allow me the opportunity to become exactly what You have predestined me to be, from before the foundation of the earth. I commit my life to You now, and thank You for receiving me as Your own. In the wonderful name of Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God, I pray, Amen." And AMEN!!!
WELCOME HOME! If you have just prayed this prayer we want to congratulate you for making the greatest decision that you can ever make! By accepting Jesus Christ, or rededicating your life to Him, as your personal Lord and Saviour, you have begun the wonderful process of being grafted into the Family of God, and we welcome you home. We would like to invite you to contact us so that we can send you information that will help you begin growing in your relationship with God. We would also encourage you to begin attending a Holy-Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church right away.
We advise you to begin reading The Holy Bible daily, whether you understand it or not. Always remember, God's written Word in The Holy Bible is like no other book that has ever been written! When we rendezvous with The Person of The Holy Spirit as we read what God has written there, it becomes stored in our heart for The Holy Spirit to access it to bring to our remembrance. You will find that the Scriptures will become applicable to whatever you are going through, at any given time!
There are wonderful Bible teachers on television and on the radio that can, especially early in your walk with God, help you to begin receiving good teaching, and encouragement, right away. Although very informative, these programs are never to be a substitute for close relationships with people who love and serve God. At times, the transformation process that you have now begun will be difficult, and you will be tempted to go back to your old ways of living your old life. It will be during times like these that hanging out with strong Christian friends and mentors will be crucially important. There really IS strength in numbers!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We would like to welcome you into the Family of God... right where you "belong", and always will! (Selah)
And, remember, no matter what, KEEP PRESSIN' IN... and learnin', and growin', w-i-t-h our Lord and Savior, and with Keith and Brenda Shealy & Toward The Mark's:
XII SMOOTH STONES book, holding the collection of these 12 most-requested Titles:
No Matter What!
The Magnetic Mantle or Why Cats... Have Kitties;
Fire, Pressure, and Them Slithery... Snakes
The Ultimate Home Gym
Vampires In The Church
The Great Deception
The Invisible Man
God Is So Much Bigger Than You Think!
Die Empty!
Building Godly Friendships
The Secret To A Happy Life
Twelve of Keith's best lessons-learned that are most-requested by friends and fellow-readers are printed in our book, "XII Smooth Stones" available at TowardTheMark online
We pray God uses this message to fan the flame in your heart for Christ Jesus, His wonder-full Ways, and His Plan and Purpose for you in this life. If you have any questions about our work, or if you would like to make a special tax-deductible donation, place a special order for any of our books, magazines, or CDs, or to share a testimony or prayer request with us, please e-mail us. Also feel free to write a letter and mail it to TOWARD THE MARK, P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152.
May God bless you greatly as you carry this truth in your heart. We are eternally grateful for our loving Toward The Mark Family of sponsors who make this blog, and all of our resources, possible by their faithful prayer and monthly financial support!
Your friends and servants in Christ,

To Show GOD BIG in
a World that Sees Him small…
sums up the reason Keith stepped out in faith to focus on reaching the lost and strengthening believers everywhere, through Toward The Mark, Inc. Keith and Brenda's prayer is that you will be encouraged and edified by the Secrets from God's Word that Keith recounts in our written and recorded products.
sums up the reason Keith stepped out in faith to focus on reaching the lost and strengthening believers everywhere, through Toward The Mark, Inc. Keith and Brenda's prayer is that you will be encouraged and edified by the Secrets from God's Word that Keith recounts in our written and recorded products.
We couldn't do
this without the help of our friends!
This blog message, along with the complete collection of original podcasts, music, blogs, books, CDs, and other Bible-based resources of Toward The Mark, Inc. is made possible by the faithful prayer and financial support of the TTM Sponsorship Family. We'd like to invite you to come on-board, to become a part of the TTM Family as well by becoming a monthly financial partner? Your support will go toward fulfilling our God-given calling to help provide effective, contemporary outreach tools that are available to everyone, the churched and un-churched alike, who desire to know more of the love, truth, and salvation of Jesus Christ. We invite you to partner with us as we "press Toward The Mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)
This blog message, along with the complete collection of original podcasts, music, blogs, books, CDs, and other Bible-based resources of Toward The Mark, Inc. is made possible by the faithful prayer and financial support of the TTM Sponsorship Family. We'd like to invite you to come on-board, to become a part of the TTM Family as well by becoming a monthly financial partner? Your support will go toward fulfilling our God-given calling to help provide effective, contemporary outreach tools that are available to everyone, the churched and un-churched alike, who desire to know more of the love, truth, and salvation of Jesus Christ. We invite you to partner with us as we "press Toward The Mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)
We INVITE You ... to follow and share these resources that are also available, for
helping build your faith in God, His Will, and His Ways:
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Toward The Mark, Inc., P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152.
Thank you in advance for sowing your financial seed into the fertile soil of this ministry! We pray God bless you with a 100-fold return for your generosity!
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"See flipcard titles"
Every gift is tax-deductible and helps, and we thank you for it!
Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order made out to:
Toward The Mark, Inc., P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152.
Thank you in advance for sowing your financial seed into the fertile soil of this ministry! We pray God bless you with a 100-fold return for your generosity!