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Thursday, August 28

No Matter WHAT... THANK GOD!

No Matter WHAT... THANK GOD!
Rather than being "under-goers", we must be O

 "The trials in our life are meant to reveal the contents of our heart. So, God is not as interested in what we did DURING the trials, as He is in what we do about what was revealed about us THROUGH those trials." - Keith

No matter what happens, we must come to grips with the guilty party: ourselves. Having our hearts continually filled with praise and thankfulness to God means that we will be able to give thanks in ALL things when the trials do come.  "And He {Jesus} said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

Find this complete message, and more, in our book, "XII Smooth Stones" available on the
TTM WEBSITE.  Also LISTEN to our Podcast, "Three ways to Get the Most Out of Your Time of Suffering Through Adversity 

The offering of praise and giving of thanks to God in all situations and circumstances is one area where many Christians fail to experience the victory of the Abundant Life. It is easy, of course, to give thanks when things are going well, but what about those disconcerting times when we find ourselves consumed in the flames of a painful trial? How do we conduct ourselves then? Do we pitch childish little fits in our hearts when things get tough or do we do the mature thing and consider the fact that God loves us and has something much better in mind, if we will trust in Him and wait on Him to perform it?

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promised.” (Hebrews 10:23)
       What makes it so difficult for us to offer up thanksgiving to God when things are not going the way we want them to? Exactly what is that powerful unseen force that inhibits our ability to freely praise our Heavenly Father in difficult situations?
The answer may surprise you! It is actually our flesh nature, and not only does it hinder praise and thanksgiving, it also is the cause of most of our pain. So if you have ever wondered about the problems in the American Church, you need look no further than the stinking decay of human nature!
As much as we would not like to believe it, only a very small percentage of people who commit their lives to Jesus Christ really apply the effort needed to kill the old man, or sinful human nature, in their lives. When times are easy, or at least easier, most of us give in to the temptation to slack off; so when a trial comes along, we are not prepared and are easily overwhelmed. Rather than being Overcomers, we are under-goers. Instead of acknowledging our responsibility for not seeking God, we look for a scapegoat; we want someone or something to blame other than looking in the mirror and declaring, “Thou art the man!”
Now, as crucial as it is to face the reality of the sin that lurks in our hearts, it is equally as important to realize that God does not want us to wallow in guilt for mistakes and misdeeds. Jesus died on the Cross so that we could receive forgiveness, both eternal and temporal, and cleansing from our sins in this life and in the life to come. The trials in our life are meant to reveal the contents of our heart, so God is not as interested in what we did during the trials, as He is in what we do about what was revealed about us through those trials. This includes the words that come out of our mouths, because our words reveal what is in our hearts. For “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45)
Having our hearts continually filled with praise and thankfulness to God means that we will be able to give thanks in all things when the trials do come. A full sponge when squeezed gives up whatever it has been saturated with. A dry sponge when squeezed gives up little to nothing. Furthermore, a sponge does not soak up anything while it is being squeezed. Likewise, when you saturate your soul with the Word of God during the easier times, then that is what will come out when you are placed under the pressure of a trial, during the hard times. Hence, the time to put on the mindset of thankfulness is BEFORE the trials begin.
So, before we can come to the place where we can offer up praise and thanksgiving to God, no matter what happens, we must come to grips with the guilty party: ourselves. God has a simple prescription to solve the problem: our old man (or “flesh” nature) must die! “And He {Jesus} said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) This is not just a wonderful passage of scripture, it is a prerequisite to a life of victory in Christ Jesus!

For the rest of this message, and many others, get your copy of our book "XII Smooth Stones" and also see "TTM Teaching Index" on our website, TowardTheMark.com.

Closing:  For more Scripture-based truths to help as you Press toward "one-ness" with our Heavenly Father, we also have available:

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