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Sunday, November 30

In Honor of America’s Military Warriors -- *N-O-T* OUT OF SIGHT ... OUT OF MIND!

As the war efforts fall from the headlines of the evening news, so does public awareness of the massive growing needs of our brave troops and their families. With suicide in the military as a result of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and depression, at an all time high, the troops that suffer from these illnesses are, by far, not the only sufferers.  

Perhaps the least mentioned are the thousands of children who are being left without parents, either by death or by emotional absence. Either way, an epidemic of kids, needing to be loved, and in many cases, re-parented, is increasing every day. We must reach them with the fact that, though their Dads and Moms may not be with them in one way or another, their Father most certainly is, and He is just a prayer away!

No less devastating are those who give their all to serve us in battle only to return to find that they cannot find jobs. Of the many million troops who have served in America’s “war on terror” in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than 1.6m have transitioned to a civilian life plagued by high rates of homelessness and unemployment.

How TTM is helping
Along with the resources that we have written and produced, we have recently hand-picked and stocked several proven resources that effectively minister to the many needs of our troops and their families. If you, or others you know, are suffering from the visible or unseen effects of war, please share our information and resources with them, so they know we're here to help.

To view these and other resources, visit our website and THE GENERAL’S SUPPLY.

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