Do you know how I know that God has put something in you that is crucially important to the fulfillment of His plan for all of creation? You're HERE!
I (Keith) once had a very sobering revelation of what it would be like to stand before the almighty, all-loving God without having finished the things for which He had put me here on earth to do. To say the least, just the thought of not finishing and being abundantly fruitful, made my heart sick! There I was, standing before the all-loving God, "Love" Himself, not having been fully "about" my Father's business while on earth. I had not multiplied my talents, nor used the abilities God had given me for His purpose, for glorifying His matchless Name.
I can remember being overwhelmed with grief, not from being condemned by God, but from a deep regret and sorrow I felt from within me, the likes of which I had never known. I found myself wishing I could just have a second chance to go back and work WITH GOD to use the gifts the way HE had planned for me to use them. I had used my talents for my own purposes, rather than God's; I had wasted too much time. I can now tell you, without a doubt, that when my time on earth is done and I stand before God I will have given everything I had within me and "DIED EMPTY!"
Before our college football games at Ferrum, we used to say to one another, "Leave it ALL on the field!" Now, with all of our strength, we encourage you to do the same, while you still have the game ahead of you! Overcome the intimidation, fear, and procrastination, and get on course to finish what God has so richly programmed you to fulfill from the foundation of the earth. Before it is too late, get the things that God has richly deposited in you, out, into the hands and hearts of others who need it. Don't take the books, the music, or anything else God has planned for only you to complete, to your grave! This lost and dying world needs you to "keep your head in the game!" This lost and dying world needs you to "leave it ALL on the field!"
For more about fulfilling God's Plan, more like this message and with more details, email us your request for your copy of TTM Magazine. When you do, mention our special offer to include in your mailed package a special copy of our book, "Letters From The Front" and twelve of our most requested teaching messages, in their entirety, contained inside our "Letters From The Front" book. We will be glad to send your copy along with your TTM Magazine request, and also a copy for your friend(s) and loved one(s), all for your donation of any amount that The Lord puts on your heart to give to support this work. We appreciate you and your joining us here on our Pressin'IN TowardTheMark blogspot.
~ Hear our podcast: Don't look to Dad for what only your Father has!
~ Check us out at "Keith Shealy & Toward The Mark" on Facebook
~ Feel free to join us at "TTM SingingSgt" on Twitter
We couldn't do this without the help of our friends!
This blog post, along with each of our original podcasts, music and video recordings, books, magazines, and other resources in our ministry collection, is made possible by the faithful prayer and financial support of the TTM Family of Sponsorship Partners. If you would like to become a part of the TTM Family, your monthly financial support of any amount will help toward fulfilling God's call on our lives to make Holy-Bible-based messages available to the churched and un-churched individuals alike. You are invited to partner with us in working with God to fulfill His desire for everybody to know Christ Jesus as He IS... The Way, The Truth, and The Life... personally. We will remain steadfast to "... press Toward The Mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14)." Would you consider helping us expand our outreach capabilities by becoming a monthly financial partner? Your support will help toward providing effective, practical outreach tools for ministering the love, truth, and salvation of Jesus Christ.
Help fan the flame in the hearts of those who are looking to increase in their faith, courage, and strength through Christ Jesus! Give your tax-deductible gift today and help make more messages and resources like this possible! Become a part of The Family of Toward The Mark, Inc. Sponsors.
Every gift is appreciated and helps.Mail tax-deductible contributions by check to the order of:Toward The Mark, Inc., P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152.
Thank you in advance for sowing your financial seed into the fertile soil of this ministry! We pray God bless you with a 100-fold return for your generosity!
Our sincerest hope is that you are encouraged as you take in this blog. We'd like to invite you to take advantage of even more messages of encouragement, for you and your friends and family members, specially available now in one of our most-requested Toward The Mark books entitled, "Letters From The Front." We want to personally invite you to get your personal copy today.
Our book LETTERS FROM THE FRONT is a special collection of 12 of our most-requested teaching titles:
Sin Makes Ya Stewpit
The Cart's Before The Horse;
The Crisis of Eroding Integrity
The Fruit's at the End of the Limb
Too Quick to Compromise
The Rarest of All Breeds
Please...Stop Stinkin'
3 Keys to God-Pleasing Faith
Let It Go!
Understanding the Fear of The Lord
Into The Secret Place
Give to Give!

Would you write and let us know how this message has fanned the flame in your heart for Christ Jesus, His Ways, and God's Plan for your life? If you would like to request a special order of "LETTERS From The FRONT" or another of Keith Shealy and Toward The Mark's resources, mention "COMPLIMENTARY COPY PLEASE" for an extra THANK YOU book copy that we will be happy to include with your order. Also, if you have questions about our work, resources, or giving tax-deductible donations, please click here to e-mail us. We welcome you to also feel free to write us a letter and mail it to TOWARD THE MARK, P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152.
May you be greatly blessed as God writes this message in your heart. We are eternally grateful for our loving Toward The Mark Family of sponsors who, without their friendship, financial support, and faithful prayers this work would not be possible!
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