It was 35 years ago TODAY! Celebrating a personal milestone of faith and the life-changing legacy of model leaders in the spirit. We hope our blog today will help restore and grow your faith in those who are not just saying they love God and people, but are making it easy to clearly see by looking at the fruit their life bears. As you read, you will witness a demonstration of the most incredible moments on this earth - when two people live their lives to give to and serve God and others... completely and unselfishly! Knowing how crucial it is to have strong spiritual leaders who stand up as role models, who faithfully help lead us out of our old flesh nature, and who help guide us into the loving arms of God and fulfillment of His purpose for us in His Kingdom, Paul teaches, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)
Yours in Christ, Keith (and Brenda)
The term "One-in-a-Million"
best describes the profoundly anointed lives and ministry of Pastors Clay and
Dee Davis, true Heroes of the Faith. In
an age where we are seeing an ever-increasing shift away from God's biblical
example for the Pastoral ministry, it is beyond refreshing to know these
wonderfully successful shepherds of God's flock. With nearly thirty-eight years in the
ministry, since 1977, they have effectively reached thousands of people with
the love of Christ. Their compassion and selfless
sacrifices toward everyone that God has placed in their path has literally been
second to none. I know this
to be true; I am one of those people.
In 1979, I was just wrapping up a two-year road tour
with the first British Christian rock group to come to America, The Alwyn Wall
Band. As we would travel
from city to city, I had the privilege of meeting and working with many pastors
and their ministry teams. As
our tour was drawing to a close, I found myself desiring more of a relationship
with a solid, steady Church family. I had visited the Davis's church
on the coast of North Carolina just a year or so earlier, and I could tell from
the beginning of, and all throughout, my visit that there was something
different about them. They
genuinely loved people in a way that I had only witnessed a few times
before. When I stood with
them, I felt like I was "at home".
the result of my working with so many pastors over my years of touring, mixed
with my hunger to grow in my knowledge of God's written Word, I began to
develop the ability to recognize whether a pastor is truly called of God to be
a shepherd over His flock, or not. In
my experience, I have found that, of the countless thousands of those who
occupy the role of pastor over a congregation, there are a rare few who have
God's heart for His people AND who truly share God's passion to see those in
his care raised up to fulfill, with God, the plan and purpose God created in
them before the foundation of the earth. From
the very moment when I was privileged to meet this anointed couple, The Holy
Spirit revealed that I was indeed in the presence of a pastoral team who was
truly ordained and anointed by God to care for His Children. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that they
truly love God and His people with a tremendous passion!
Just today, as I was reflecting on the new year of 2015
coming tomorrow, it donned on me that, on this New Year's Eve 35 years ago,
December 31st, 1979, I stood at a very important crossroads in my life and
ministry. Just weeks prior
to this memorable occasion, I received two unique and incredible invitations,
simultaneously, offering me opportunities to go out on another Christian rock
music tour. The first offer I received was from Dana Key of the
group "DeGarmo and Key", and the other was from Jerry Chamberlain of
the group "Daniel Amos". Both
bands were very successful and well-known as contemporary Christian rock
groups. Wow! I was
overjoyed to get just one great offer, but now I had to decide between two
great offers, both from really outstanding bands! What do I do?
The real dilemma can be summed
up with this one question, "Do I take the well-travelled road I was familiar
with, and go back out on tour where I know I'm comfortable and enjoy ongoing accolades
that come with the rock-and-roll band lifestyle; or do I take a huge leap of
faith and believe God to fill my desire to homestead with the NC Church Family? This time of year for a fresh move to the
coast of NC couldn't have been worse for finding, both, a place to live and a
9-to-5 job! Being the middle of the winter,
the coast of NC would be all-but boarded-up until it came summer-time again, bringing
resort-goers from local areas and out-of-town.
Truth is, I knew in my heart the
way I needed to go - to put down my roots in a good Church family and prepare
for an even more fruitful ministry in the coming years. So, from my hotel room in Charlotte, NC, I
called Pastor Clay to ask if he would pray with me concerning this decision I
had to make. He greeted the opportunity
with open arms. I shared with him how I
had learned, first-hand, that, without the individual people in the local
church bodies becoming engaged in raising up and nurturing newly-committed believers,
like those we led to the Lord through our concerts, there was a terrible
disservice being done in the lives of those new believers. Once I finished pouring out my sorrow and
concern for the new recruits too often being left to fend for themselves after
we led them to Christ, and once I shared with him my new-found options for my next
season of ministry, Pastor Clay paused briefly.
Then, with all the love of a gentle Papa, he said, "Brother Keith,
come on home!"
At that, I packed up my things, gassed up the
car, and drove seven hours to the Outer Banks of North Carolina where Pastors
Clay and Dee Davis led a vibrant and steadily growing congregation. It wouldn't be long until I would discover how
the conversation we had that New Year's Eve was going to profoundly change my
life and ministry forever!
I didn't waste any time learning all about the
spirit-filled Davis couple! I have to
say that their journey in the past, and the journey of each day in our new
ministry together, was incredible and curious as only God could work out, being
our Source and Supply!
The majority of the Davis's ministry has been in the eastern part of the country. However, they actually both got their start growing up in the west. Clay Davis was born in Livingston, Montana and was raised working on his family's ranch. Dee Oslund was born in Spokane, WA and worked with Civil Defense throughout her high school years. Clay joined the U. S. Air Force in 1951, taking technical training courses on Aircraft Engine Maintenance at the University of Southern California. After being on a ground crew for maintaining B-29's in Denver, he transferred to Chanute AFB, IL where he trained airmen on B-29 and B-50 propeller engines. Further into his 10 years of active duty service, he became a technical school instructor teaching airmen how to maintain jet engines on B-36s and B-52s.
During his active duty tours of service, Clay
attended The University of Southern California, University of Illinois, San
Jose State College, Wake Forest University and the USAF College Institute.
Airman Clay Davis met Miss Dee Oslund in
Spokane, WA in 1953. He was vacationing
at the same area lake resort where she was with her family on vacation at the
same time. This is where it really
gets good! The way they met is definitely one of the
most unique hookups that I've ever heard of!
While Airman Davis was enjoying a swim with his buddies one day, he began
to get cramps and lost control of his limbs.
He began to drown. At the time
that this was happening, Dee was sun-bathing on the dock and noticed that Clay went
under the water, but did not come back up.
Realizing he was potentially about to drown, she ran to a nearby boat,
jumped on board, and quickly made her way out to save him. She dove into the water after him, searched under
water until she found him by grabbing his hair, and pulled him up and out to
safety. She literally saved his life
that day. What a catch! Little did they know that the events of that
day were not only a divine appointment, but also marked the beginning of a long
and wonderful relationship. They were
married in September 1954 and haven't looked back since.
In 1961, Clay left the USAF to go to work for
IBM in Atlanta, GA. There he would come
to be promoted to Field Manager for the Norfolk, VA office. Though the IBM office was in Norfolk, Clay
and Dee chose to live in Virginia Beach, only a few miles from the Rock Church of
Virginia Beach.
While still working a full-time job with IBM,
Clay became increasingly involved in the ministry at the Rock Church. At first, Clay was primarily responsible to
oversee the construction program for the church's new state-of-the-art facility
being built in the early '70s. In 1977,
after the obvious leading of the Holy Spirit, Clay resigned his position with
IBM so he could go to work at the church on a full-time basis as their Business
Manager. Sister Dee soon resigned from
her position where she had been working with Virginia National Bank, so she
could begin to manage the church's new bookstore. She soon found herself involved with speaking
prophetically into the lives of the store's patrons. She soon became "Momma" to everyone
in the church building.
Recognizing God's obvious
touch on both of their lives, their pastor, Bishop John Gimenez, approached
them about becoming the pastors of the first satellite Rock Church.
Toward the end of 1977, they moved to
Colington, NC where they would accomplish an amazing number of feats in just four years of serving
there. They started an accredited Bible
Institute, a Christian Academy (K-4 through 12th grade), a wonderfully
successful clothing and food distribution ministry, built a beautiful new
worship center complete with offices and classrooms, built a parsonage, and the
list goes on. Besides their
accomplishing all of those things, they did them without ever going into debt.
As great as these accomplishments were, they
can't even begin to be compared to the hundreds of lives that God was able to
profoundly save and raise up through their ministry. Sister Dee, while deeply involved with every
aspect of their work, somehow found the time to counsel folks on a regular
basis, head up the hospitality ministry, serve as the church's secretary, be a
model wife, and be a model mother to four very active children.
One Sunday morning after service, I remember the
first big miracle that I had ever witnessed taking place in their home. As was a custom of Sister Dee's, she invited a
large number of people from church to come to their home for lunch after Sunday
service. This one particular afternoon,
as we arrived at their home, I made my way into the kitchen to offer my help. Without hesitating, Sister Dee handed me a
bowl of vegetables and ask if I would help set the table. As I looked at the food that she had prepared,
I glanced in the dining room at the number of people there that she had invited,
and I couldn't help but notice the fact that we were going to have a five
loaves and two fishes situation on our hands.
As Sister Dee began serving what was obviously not enough food to feed
everyone, I began to notice something remarkable. The amount of food seemed to mysteriously
multiply! By the time we left that
afternoon, not only did every one of us wind up with plenty of food on our
plates and have a full tummy, but we noticed that there was, somehow, plenty of
food left over as well! Everyone not
only left the Davis home that day with their fill, but was thoroughly amazed at
what they saw God do through these precious saints. The more that I have had the privilege of
walking with them as the wonderful, remarkable servants they are, the more
obvious it has become that these kinds of things are pretty-much common-place
in their lives.
From 1982 to 1985, Pastors Clay and Dee founded Proclaim Christian Center and Haven Home for Girls in Winston-Salem, NC. While in Winston Salem, Pastor Clay served on the Governor's Task Force to rewrite the maternity laws for NC.

Their endless sacrifice and ministry in
Winston-Salem have shaped the lives of many young men and women who serve in
both part-time and full-time ministry today. Through their lives, they produced a Godly
heritage that continue to reach many people for Christ. Pastor Clay would go on to enact vital
guidelines for "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" in both NC and VA. Those guidelines have vastly improved the way
those facilities operate. What a
bountiful harvest!
In the spring of 1985, Pastor Clay and Sister
Dee were asked by Pastors Arlie and Jerri Whitlow to come and join them, as
co-pastors, in their new church plant in Sterling, Virginia. Pastor Clay and Dee then turned the
Winston-Salem work over to Pastors Phil & Kathy Dowdy, moved to Sterling,
rolled up their sleeves, and went right to work. Their dedication and expertise played a key
role in the church's reaching, and even exceeding, its goals in much less time
that ever expected. Once again, God
flowed through them to impact countless lives.
From those tremendously effective years in Sterling, right through to
the present times, these humble servants continually touch many others. Despite both of their recently mounding
physical challenges, Pastor Clay and Sister Dee never cease to gird themselves
with the towel of loving service, and carry out assistance to whomever God
brings their way.
Pastors Clay & Dee Davis now reside in the
northern VA area where they are close to two of their four children. Although they are retired from full-time
pastoral ministry, they continue to regularly have the opportunity to mentor
young pastors and other church leaders.
Would that the Church of
Jesus Christ have more pastors like Clay & Dee Davis! Over the past 35 years, these precious
servants of God have richly bless my life in a most profound, wonderful way!
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~Keith's "Between The Lines" Podcast channel;
~"Sharing with you the Secrets God Whispers" monthly web messages; and
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