This is a short, but uplifting account that we pray and believe will tremendously bless you as it has so blessed us. It is based on a simple little note offering a great big message from a brother in Christ (who asked to remain anonymous); All praise and glory to God!-- Keith & Brenda Shealy
I was recently at a meeting where a young man that I had led to the Lord several
months earlier walked up to me and slipped something into my pocket. This fellow
had struggled for over 15 years with heroin addiction, and he is now on the long
and difficult path toward a complete lifestyle change. When I arrived home
later that evening, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small crumpled-up envelope. As I opened it, out fell a worn twenty dollar bill with a note that
read, “ Brother Keith, having been raised in an abusive and very poor family, I
know what it is like to always be the underdog. So, when it comes to my supporting a ministry, I’m supporting the little guy that does big things for God. Thank you for everything you do for us!”
With the close of 2014 fast approaching, would you prayerfully consider including Toward The Mark in your end-of-year giving? Your gifts are tax-deductible, and every gift helps. Best of all, when you partner with us by regular monthly contributions, you help encourage the 6,220+ people who take part in this ministry's resources every month (on average). You certainly encourage us by sharing the vision and passion of TTM - to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached. Thank you in advance for your ongoing or new sponsorship and support!
For more Scripture-based truths to help
as you Press Toward "one-ness" with The Heavenly Father, check what
else we have available:
~"Toward The Mark's Wisdom-Packed Wednesdays" Facebook page;
~Keith's "Between The Lines" Podcast channel;
~"Sharing with you the Secrets God Whispers" monthly web messages; and
~"TTMSingingSgt" on Twitter.
~"Toward The Mark's Wisdom-Packed Wednesdays" Facebook page;
~Keith's "Between The Lines" Podcast channel;
~"Sharing with you the Secrets God Whispers" monthly web messages; and
~"TTMSingingSgt" on Twitter.
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