"Satan works through lukewarm church members to attack, fatigue, disable, and even kill off leaders God is using to impart His Word, His Wisdom, and His Direction into the lives of His Children..." --Keith, Brenda, and the TTM Team
Remember what Zechariah said: "smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered. (Zechariah 13:7)"
Satan knows that an effective means of crippling the next generation involves destroying those whom God has called to impart His Word, His Wisdom, and His Direction into the lives of our young people. Just how does satan "smite the shepherds" of God's flock? One especially effective method satan employs is to work through self-seeking members of our congregations to slowly, methodically, and painfully destroy godly supervision in the lives of the next generation. By making harsh or critical statements against the leadership here and there, and directing bitter opposition against certain plans that leadership believes God has for the flock, congregational members are enabling satan to ultimately thereby littering the countryside with spiritual babies who are unable to properly raise up the next generation.
This situation has been growing bigger and getting worse for many years; and now the plague of poor parenting, both natural and spiritual, has been thrust upon today's "God-called" Church leaders. The task of literally having to re-parent a growing number of those in their congregations and communities is massive.
This torrential wave of "illegitimacy" has taken a heavy toll on many of God's shepherds. Combine that trouble with the rampant demands, and unreasonable expectations, congregational members place on God's shepherds - as well as the continuous scrutiny of church boards, committees, and anyone else who feels that they are divinely entitled to voice their so-often damaging opinions - and the load becomes unbearable.
In just the past five years, we have seen an exodus of wonderfully-anointed pastors leaving the ministry in an attempt to salvage both their families and, in many cases, their own mental well-being. If ever there was a time that we, as the body of Christ, needed to fast and pray for our leaders, it is now! "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)"
Because there are so many people today who do not attend a local church or have truly dedicated Christian friends to hang out with, we and our TTM Partners would like to present you with an opportunity to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. Also, for those of you who, for whatever reason, have drifted away from Him, we invite you to return Home where you, truly, belong.
Below, we have configured a prayer of salvation that is easy to understand. Now, right where you are, read and repeat out loud each line of this prayer. Giving your whole heart to Jesus Christ is the "most important" and "the best" decision you can and will ever make in your lifetime!"
Invite Jesus Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, right there where you are, by praying this prayer to God, then relax and watch what God does...
... "Dear Father God, in the precious Name of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of all lords, I lay my life at Your Feet. I come before You, confessing that I am a sinner, and I ask for You to forgive me of all my sins - those that I know I have committed, as well as those that I am not even aware of. I ask that You come into my heart and be my Lord. I lay my life, and everything in it, at Your Feet, and ask that You please take me and begin to change me to be like YOU. I ask that You redeem the time that has passed, and allow me the opportunity to become exactly what You have predestined me to be, from before the foundation of the earth. I commit my life to You now, and thank You for receiving me as Your own. In the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, I pray, Amen." And AMEN!!!
If you have just prayed this prayer, we want to congratulate you for making the greatest decision that you'll ever make! By accepting Jesus Christ, or rededicating your life to Him, as your personal Lord and Savior, you have begun the wonder-full process of being grafted into the family of God, and we welcome you "Home" to God's Family. We would also like to invite you to contact us so that we can send you information that will help you begin growing in your relationship and daily walk with God. We would encourage you to begin attending a Holy-Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church right away.
We advise you to begin reading The Holy Bible daily, whether you understand it or not. Always remember, God's written Word in The Holy Bible is like no other book that has ever been written! When we rendezvous with The Person of The Holy Spirit as we read what God has written there, it becomes stored in our heart for The Holy Spirit to access it to bring to our remembrance. You will find that the Scriptures will become applicable to whatever you are going through, at any given time!
There are wonderful Bible teachers on television and on the radio that can, especially early in your walk with God, help you to begin receiving good teaching, and encouragement, right away. Although very informative, these programs are never to be a substitute for close relationships with people who love and serve God. At times, the transformation process that you have now begun will be difficult, and you will be tempted to go back to your old ways of living your old life. It will be during times like these that hanging out with strong Christian friends and mentors will be crucially important. There really IS strength in numbers!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We would like to be among the first to welcome you into the Family of God... right where you "belong", now and always! (Selah)
And, remember, no matter what, KEEP PRESSIN' IN... learnin', and growin' w-i-t-h our Lord and Savior. You might consider using Keith and Brenda Shealy's book XII SMOOTH STONES, the special collection of 12 life-changing teaching titles:
No Matter What!
The Magnetic Mantle or Why Cats... Have Kitties;
Fire, Pressure, and Them Slithery... Snakes
The Ultimate Home Gym
Vampires In The Church
The Great Deception
The Invisible Man
God Is So Much Bigger Than You Think!
Die Empty!
Building Godly Friendships
The Secret To A Happy Life

when taken to heart,
will help you emerge triumphant over seemingly impossible situations...
"XII Smooth Stones"
available at
TowardTheMark online.
We pray God uses this message, and all of our resources, to fan the flame in your heart for Christ Jesus, His wonder-full Ways, and His Plan and Purpose for you in this life. If you have any questions about our work, or if you would like to make a special tax-deductible donation, place a special order for any of our books, magazines, or CDs, or to share a testimony or prayer request with us, please e-mail us. Also feel free to write a letter and mail it to TOWARD THE MARK, P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152.
May God bless you greatly as you carry this truth in your heart. We are eternally grateful for our loving Toward The Mark Family of sponsors who make this blog, and all of our resources, possible by their faithful prayer and monthly financial support!
Your friends and servants in Christ,

To Show GOD BIG in
a World that Sees Him small…
sums up the reason Keith stepped out in faith to focus on reaching the lost and strengthening believers everywhere, through Toward The Mark, Inc. Keith and Brenda's prayer is that you will be encouraged and edified by the Secrets from God's Word that Keith recounts in our written and recorded products.
sums up the reason Keith stepped out in faith to focus on reaching the lost and strengthening believers everywhere, through Toward The Mark, Inc. Keith and Brenda's prayer is that you will be encouraged and edified by the Secrets from God's Word that Keith recounts in our written and recorded products.
We couldn't do
this without the help of our friends!
This blog message, along with the complete collection of original podcasts, music, blogs, books, CDs, and other Bible-based resources of Toward The Mark, Inc. is made possible by the faithful prayer and financial support of the TTM Sponsorship Family. We'd like to invite you to come on-board, to become a part of the TTM Family as well, by becoming a monthly financial partner. Your support will go toward fulfilling our God-given calling to help provide effective, contemporary outreach tools that are available to everyone, the churched and un-churched alike, who desire to know more of the love, truth, and salvation of Jesus Christ. We invite you to partner with us, as we, "press Toward The Mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)
This blog message, along with the complete collection of original podcasts, music, blogs, books, CDs, and other Bible-based resources of Toward The Mark, Inc. is made possible by the faithful prayer and financial support of the TTM Sponsorship Family. We'd like to invite you to come on-board, to become a part of the TTM Family as well, by becoming a monthly financial partner. Your support will go toward fulfilling our God-given calling to help provide effective, contemporary outreach tools that are available to everyone, the churched and un-churched alike, who desire to know more of the love, truth, and salvation of Jesus Christ. We invite you to partner with us, as we, "press Toward The Mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)
"Between The Lines PODCAST" on TTM's Libsyn Channel
(Podcast) Now Playing: Between The Lines... Be Fear-LESS in a Fear-FULL World!
(Podcast) Now Playing: Between The Lines... Be Fear-LESS in a Fear-FULL World!
Every gift is tax-deductible and helps! And we thank you for it!
Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order made out to:
Toward The Mark, Inc., P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152.
Thank you in advance for sowing your financial seed into the fertile soil of this ministry! We pray God bless you with a 100-fold return for your generosity!
"See flipcard titles"