*Giving a boost to our day and life, with this 10-minute Weekday Blog*
Our 2nd Blog Mini-Series, each Weekday in JULY!
Thank you for joining us as we
continue this JOURNEY...
digging in to the 2nd - 3rd CHAPTERS of Keith's book,
“Keep the FAITH…Keep Your VISION”!
If you will read this book in its entirety, then you will be equipped to begin walking with the confidence and authority that Jesus Christ came and died to provide for us, in order that we may work *with* Him, be *fulfilled* in our work, lead a *successful life*, and...
Day #14 of 20-day Blog mini-series #2
Chapter THREE, "Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth"
"Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth"
One important method of studying The Word that was mentioned earlier is "comparing spiritual things with spiritual." Thus, The Word of God is to be used to interpret The Word of God, and again, this is one example of the principle of the testimony of two or three witnesses establishing every word. However, this application of The Word must be done under the guidance of The Holy Spirit, because The Holy Scriptures are not open to human interpretation at all; there is no leeway in this. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of The Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by The Holy Ghost. " (2 Peter 1:20-21)
Question to ponder:
How would you describe the way God identifies with you, and cares for your needs and well-being? _________________________________________
How would you describe the way God identifies with you, and cares for your needs and well-being? _________________________________________
Keith's "Comments from the Author":
"Saul of Tarsus was not only consumed with evil tasks in destroying the followers of Jesus Christ, but he had been given the money, written permission, and troop support to pull it off. Although the High Priest and his ruling party had been able to manipulate Rome into doing their dirty work for them, having Christ crucified, they made a monumental mistake! They underestimated how deeply Jesus Christ had impacted the people of the region! And, now, the Person of the Holy Spirit had come to continue carrying the Truth of The Gospel of Jesus Christ to people near and far, all over the world. It would be Saul's lack of knowing and understanding this fact that, ultimately, led him to the life-altering encounter he had with The One Who confronted him, face to face, similar to how I stuck up for my brother at the bus stop (in yesterday's comments).
When I was a young boy, I used to camp out with a few of my friends in my neighborhood. One evening, just as the sun was starting to set, the guys and I launched out on one of our deep-woods adventures, exploring some new terrain. Before we realized it, we had gotten ourselves trapped in a thick brier patch, standing and stuck in it, waist-deep. Of course, having left our hunting knives back at the campsite, we were forced to kick our way through those thick briers until we could reach a clearing. So, now, sporting jeans with thorns and holes all in them, and drops of blood running down our legs, we all came to the conclusion that we would never again go somewhere without making sure to carry along our hunting knives.
When you find yourself in a painful, no-escape, 'prickly' situation, confronted by a commanding force that leaves you basically powerless, you begin to get the picture of what it means to 'kick against', as Jesus said, 'the pricks'. In essence, what Jesus was saying to Saul was, 'Because you have chosen to persecute Me, by choosing to fight against My children, now you have to deal with Me!' If you find yourself trapped, in any way, by sin, you will know just how painful life can be when you are running contrary to the life-giving ways of Jesus Christ. We encourage you to seek, until you come to find, the Wisdom and Understanding in The Word of God, but never forsaking The Person of The Holy Spirit. And, as you do so, you will be removing yourself from being among the people who will surely be 'destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge...' as Hosea 4:6 clearly explains. What are you waiting for? There's no better time than n-o-w. Selah."
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of The Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by The Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:20-21)
*See you tomorrow, and please make sure to invite your friends who are lost or who just need encouragement too! God bless you!*
Find this blog mini-series message, and more on the topic, in our book Keep the FAITH Keep Your VISION based on crucial, real-life matters for each of us. To ask questions, make a special donation, request a large quantity of books, or to share a testimony or prayer request with us, please click for e-mail, or write a letter and mail it to the address shown on our website, and as provided below.
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Your friends & servants in Christ,
To Show GOD BIG in a World that Sees Him small…
sums up the reason Keith stepped out in faith 35+ years ago to focus full-time on reaching the lost and strengthening believers everywhere, through Toward The Mark, Inc. Keith and Brenda's prayer is that you will be encouraged and edified by the Secrets from God's Word that Keith recounts in our written and recorded products. The complete collection of original podcasts, music, blogs, books, CDs, and other resources of Toward The Mark, Inc. are made possible thanks to the faithful prayer and financial contributions of the TTM Support Family. We'd like to invite you to join our family, and welcome you to become a special part of our regular sponsorship team TODAY!
sums up the reason Keith stepped out in faith 35+ years ago to focus full-time on reaching the lost and strengthening believers everywhere, through Toward The Mark, Inc. Keith and Brenda's prayer is that you will be encouraged and edified by the Secrets from God's Word that Keith recounts in our written and recorded products. The complete collection of original podcasts, music, blogs, books, CDs, and other resources of Toward The Mark, Inc. are made possible thanks to the faithful prayer and financial contributions of the TTM Support Family. We'd like to invite you to join our family, and welcome you to become a special part of our regular sponsorship team TODAY!
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